Life as a start-up during Covid - 19

Life as a start-up during Covid - 19

As 2020 draws to an end, we are beginning to look back on the year’s events. As a new startup navigating around the turbulent times of Covid-19, it has been an eventful and educational time. 

To find out more on how MyGoHire has managed as a startup during Covid, let’s have a chat with the founders!

So, how is it all going as a startup?

They say the goal during the first year of a startup’s life is to survive, so when we set up roots late last year, we understood that we would face challenges. Little did we know, a global pandemic was about to strike… 

It’s a bit like the Uber, Instagram and Slack in the 2008 recession. 2020 has been a bit of controlled chaos for MyGoHire.

Where did the concept of MyGoHire all start? 

The idea came from our experience of being a hiring manager, a candidate and a recruiter within the construction industry. 

We wanted to build a platform which blends great technology, to connect companies with the best talent. 

What were the biggest challenges you faced?

Our biggest challenge was spreading the word of our creation to the right people, it's a bit like the chicken and the egg problem.

In the early days we used all of our resources, speaking to candidates, using LinkedIn, posting roles online and so on. 

We have been chuffed with the companies that are now using MyGoHire. They saw our potential and wanted to be at the forefront of the new style of recruitment.

With these great companies came candidates. Nearly a year on from starting, we now host over 1,500 candidates and have had more than 90 roles added by over 15 companies! 

Who is in the team?

We started off with just the two of us and then brought on Trev with his team, for the platform’s development. Growing steadily, we expanded to increase our marketing efforts, employing the great, newly graduated Rachel. 

What were the key impacts of the lockdown?

Functioning during the lockdown has been a learning curb for all companies globally. For us, we found that our creativity thrived, with new ideas cropping up all over the place. We identified many issues, which we wanted to tackle, that were deep rooted within both the construction and recruitment industries.

As we speak, we have set things in motion, for new technologies to enhance recruitment reach and the user experience of MyGoHire. These efforts have the aim of appealing to all types of individuals, in the right way. 

How's the work life, are you back at the office or still remote? 

Luckily for us we started this all remotely, so not much has changed there!

We have brought on more team members and the remote life is working brilliantly. 

Of course, it would be great to have everyone together but remote working has enabled us to form a great team, with individuals across Gloucester/ Midlands/ London and Bournemouth.

Have you lost sleep at night over MyGoHire?

No sleep has been lost due to worry but it certainly has over new ideas! The hardest part for us, is that MyGoHire is completely self funded and we do not change companies, at this moment in time. Whilst it would of course be nice to earn a salary, creating something from scratch, that holds immense industry value, is incredibly rewarding and I don't regret a thing!

The future of MyGoHire

Who knows what the future will bring! After this year, we learnt to expect the unexpected. 

We will strive to innovate our platform to be the best it can be, listen to our audiences and continue to shape the construction recruitment space for the better. 

We have a few new features coming out in the New Year, along with a huge new launch of something game changing 👀. 

So that’s a wrap 2020. Let’s all smash 2021!

Join our startup’s journey by signing up to our platform here and feel free to follow us on our socials @mygohire 🚀