The easiest way to find your next job in construction
Your job hunt made easy!
Search for your next project and receive offers based on your own criteria that you select, such as:
- Location
- Salary
- Area of expertise
We vet employers to ensure construction professionals receive the most relevant opportunities.
We’re paving the way for recruitment in construction
Employers and job seekers are directly connected:
- A platform 100% free of charge for talent
- Deep expertise in the construction industry
- Direct messaging between you and companies
With My Go Hire, finding your next project is both fast and easy.
You can even hide your profile from your employer so no unnecessary drama.
With over 60 companies registered
Speak directly to the companies you want to work with, with no intermediary.
Once you start applying, you’ll be able to track it all on your profile! No more not knowing what you applied for and when.
Company Testimonial
“We hired an exceptional individual through My Go Hire and we managed to save over £6,000.”
Jonny, Director
Candidate Testimonial
“Thank you for your work at My Go Hire - It was easy to use, sign up and view companies. Your site worked a treat.”
Mark, Surveyor
Why use My Go Hire?
We want to make it easier for people within the construction industry, like you, to find their next project quickly and in full transparency (no agency).
Apply for the jobs you want and direct message the decision-makers of those companies today on My Go Hire!
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